
Semeia 45: Thinking Biblical Law is unavailable, but you can change that!

Semeia is an experimental journal devoted to the exploration of new and emergent areas and methods of biblical criticism. Studies employing the methods, models, and findings of linguistics, folklore studies, contemporary literary criticism, structuralism, social anthropology, and other such disciplines and approaches, are invited. Although experimental in both form and content, Semeia proposes to...

holy” (Lev 11:44), Israel is therefore instructed to observe the life-giving and life-sustaining commandments of God (see further Milgrom 1988). In sum, by reducing the choice of flesh to a few animals (Leviticus 11, Deuteronomy 14), enjoining the slaughter of even these few permissible animals in a humane way (Deut 14:21), and prohibiting the ingestion of blood and mandating its disposal upon the altar or by burial (Lev 17:10–14), Israel is presented with a unified and coherent dietary system whose
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